Quick Start

Have you completed the installation of the suite on your space or do you want to try publishing a project on the online demo on your own?

Discover how easy it is to do it in four simple steps!

Step 1: Create your QGIS project

Create your QGIS project by defining all the aspects of interest: map content, symbology and labeling, legend structure, join and 1:N relations, attribute consultation form, print layout (free and atals) and much more…

Remember to organize on your PC, projects and geographic data as illustrated

Step 2: Upload your geographic data to the server

If your project is based on local files (Shp, GeoPackage, SpatiaLite, raster…) it is necessary that such data is present on the server at the time of publication.

The FileManager module will allow you to upload such data by reconstructing the same organization prepared locally.

If your geographic data is located on a PostGis or Oracle Spatial GeoDB, you simply need to allow access from the suite

Step 3: Log in to G3W-SUITE and create the container for publishing your QGIS project

In order to publish a QGIS project you need to create a Cartographic Group, these Groups are containers that allow you to organize your WebGis services thematically and functionally.

You can publish multiple WebGis services within each Cartographic Group but remember that these must have the same projection system that you associated with the Group during creation.

Step 4: Publish your QGIS project as a WebGIS service

Publish your QGIS project by uploading the file (.qgs or .qgz) inside the Cartographic Group created. No plugin needed!

All the settings and functions activated on the project will be automatically inherited by the WebGis service.

If you want to customize and activate further functions on the online map, consult the manual and the online tutorial.

Try the online demo and discover all the features!