Project: G3W-SUITE

Changelog for version: 3.8

Release date: 17 June 2024


Changelog for G3W-SUITE 3.8

G3W-SUITE 3.8 is characterized by refactoring work relating to the management aspects of the tools, the visualization of tabular data and the aspects of coherence in saving the changes made in editing in the case of 1:N cascade relations.

Furthermore, the version features these important new features:

      • QGIS 3.34 LTR compatibility
      • the possibility to hide layers from the TOC

      • the possibility for the logged user to create/save customized themes as in QGIS

      • export the map also in SVG and GeoPDF format by defining custom scale and DPI values

      • multigeometric layer editing management

      • download attribute of a layer in PDF format

We hope you enjoy this great work!

Happy mapping with G3W-SUITE!

Sponsor and funder

G3W-SUITE is an open source project and if you are able to, consider supporting our work through donations or contributions to the code documentation, web site and so on. Among the main funder of this version we remember:



Feature: QGIS 3.34 LTR compatibility

G3W-SUITE 3.8 is compatible with the new 3.34 LTR of QGIS

Take advantage of all the news related to the preparation of QGIS projects with the new LTR version


Feature: Cartographic Groups filters

The list of Cartographic Groups can be filtered based on:

    • the MacroGroup to which they belong
    • the associated EPSG
    • the different types of users (Editor, Editor and Viewer) associated with them

The options of this last filter vary based on the type of logged in user

Feature: Hide layers in the TOC

It is now possible to hide one or more layers from the TOC, still continuing to view it on the map or make it available for searches, aspects related to editing and other functions

Feature: Download attributes of a feature in PDF format

It is possible to allow the download, in PDF format, of the attributes of the geometries displayed following queries or searches.

There are limitations related to the structure of the customized form


Feature: OGC API – Feature (WFS3)

G3W-SUITE exposes the service managed by QGIS Server

For more information:


Cartographic client and interaction with the map

Feature: Custom users themes

Logged users can create their own themes (combination of on/off layers) and save them for future use as in QGIS.

The styles associated with individual layers are also managed within themes.

Editing on line

Feature: 1:N cascade relations editing

The editing flow relating to the management of 1:N cascade relations has been completely revisited to ensure greater robustness and manage the various possible cases.

In the case of 1:N cascading vector-type relations, a new method (copy features from another layer) has been added to the manual creation of new children features of the relation.

Feature: AddPart tool

As in QGIS, the AddPart tool also allows the creation/association of geometry to records, of geometric layers, which do not have them

Feature: Multigeometric layer editing

It is possible to easily manage multigeometric layers by associating different types of geometries with the individual records of the layer

Feature: Start editing from the attribute table

In the case of an editable layer, it is possible to start editing the individual features directly from the attribute table.

It is also possible to easily switch from displaying data in a table to that in an extended form and vice versa.

Feature: Attribute type field constraints

The recognition of field types (integer, double, text…) allows you to avoid entering incorrect values on the various fields in order to avoid errors when saving


Feature: New print formats

With this version it is also possible to export prints to JPG, SVG and GeoPDF

Feature: Custom scale and DPI

The user can manually define the scale and DPI values for the the print outputs

Feature: Print layout exclusion

Eredited from QGIS projects

If on the QGIS project I exclude a print layout from those available in the WMS service, this is excluded also from the WebGis service


Feature: List of GC services associated with published services

For each published WebGis service, the associated OGC services can be consulted

Minor improvements

Feature: WFS query on embedded layer

WFS queries (QueryByBox, QueryByPolyon and QueryByDrawPolygon) are extended to layers deriving from embedded projects

Try the dedicated demo and find out all the news!